Engine Driven Positive Pressure Ventilator

ITEM CODE: NFF-SET-EGD Categories: ,


NewAge’s PPV fans are for the fire personals who need a high quality PPV fan. The units are able to create maximum airflow because of their mighty engines that offer the highest horsepower in their class. They are easily transportable and space saving as they are designed to compact dimensions of fire / rescue apparatus.

  • Available in different flow capacities
  • Flanged or threaded inlets available
  • Maximum working pressure 10 bar
ModelEngineHPFan SizeWeightDimensions (mm)
(Lx W x H)
Air Flow
NFF-GS-16”Honda5.5400 mm x 17 blades27 Kgs533 x 508 x 43219810
NFF-GS-21”Honda5.5540 mm x 7 blades40 Kgs641 x 616 x 49530039
NFF-GS-24”Honda5.5600 mm x 9 blades52 Kgs737 x 711 x53146750

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